G.L.O.W. Rx Wellness Assessment
Total Health Assessment covering the 4 foundational pillars (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual), and a little more.
Take this quiz to learn how well-balanced you are in each of the 4 dimensions of wellness. Afterwards, schedule your call to learn how Dr. Nicole and MNM Integrative Wellness Solutions can help support you as you improve in each dimension.
Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness or distress, it is a dynamic process of change and growth. It is being intentional about making decisions to live a more harmonious, balanced, and meaningful life.
This Wellness Assessment is a self assessment tool that can be used to help you identify the dimensions of wellness (emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual) in which you are excelling and the ones that may need greater attention. Once you take the assessment and learn your results, schedule your discovery call to explore ways in which you can maximize your healthy living.
1. Answer all the questions for each of the four wellness dimensions.
2. Provide a valid email address and review your assessment scores provided via email.
3. Tally your points for each section and use the guide to interpret the scores.
4. Schedule your Wellness Debrief call to review your results and assist in identifying resources for those areas that may need improvement (lower scores).
Click the button below to start.